
SKOLA 2015

Hi, guys! 
Today I want you to tell about our trip on the exhibition "Skola-2015". I was a member of the RISEBA film crew, and sure, our task was to make a film about our university on the "Skola-2015".

Some words about this exhibition before I will start to tell how much I love my university yeeah. This place is good to find information on the newest and most popular study programmes in Latvia and abroad, to take part in attractive competitions, to meet friends and have a good time! 

During three exhibition days visitors have access to information on study opportunities offered at state and private higher education institutions, secondary schools, colleges, vocational schools, training centers, language schools, 
institutions offering distance education and e-study programmes. Moreover, the exhibition provides comprehensive information about different interest courses and the opportunities to study abroad.  


So today we presented our university RISEBA and explained people who we are, and of course tried to do it in digital style. There were many interesting things such as special photo camera, which made and printed cute photos in 30 seconds, special digital glasses (this is one of the most popular presented things, people liked them very much), and also table hockey game store with our champion of the world in this sport - with Atis Silis (coming soon will be the interview with this guy, be ready)

Today I got it again that I study in the best university ever, many friends, so cute  and kind people who are ready to help you when you need it, the most active students who represent our RISEBA student council and make our lives happier and brighter by making cool events, and when you have all of these people next to you - you want to develop yourself more and more, and always want to be with these people and to feel them near you. Guys, you are the best, just know it. xoxo

 P.S. I feel my heart begins to melt. Don't feel this frozen anymore. So strange.

Your El

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